Thursday, May 16, 2013

Who Are You?


I came across this message today by Wayne Dyer and unfortunately its only a partial clip but it got me thinking...

He had a final exam in which he and the others in his collegiate class had to complete in 3 hours and 40 min time frame. There was only 1 question listed - Who Are You? There was a list of things they couldn't write about and if they did it would constitute as a failure - like age, family background, goals, hobbies, religion, politics, money made, etc

And there was this quote for guidance:
"Once you label me you negate me" by Soren Kierkegaard

The question is how would you answer this question without using labels others have put upon you?

Like, wow.

I admit I needed to look up negate to get clearer definition but it means nullify, make ineffective, negative in meaning, deny the existence of

But how would you answer it?

Because I am honestly stuck. All I know is labels and what others have defined me as. I'm lost in my identity.

And I'm kinda glad I didn't know or was able to hear Wayne's answer because it would probably have limited my outlook to my own answer of who am I.

Thinking further its like I've even allowed the depression to define who I am along with others in my life. So do I get a say? Let's see if I can take a stab at this...

Well I'm human - and that's saying a lot coming from me and admitting it. I've been so made to feel anything but worthwhile or of human status let alone able to contribute anything useful to society.

For now, I'm just stuck's a tough question to answer without the labels. Talk about feeling limited and confined by what others say of me and who I am. So how does one break free from the labels?

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